Serving Lunch

Today, some our senior IT staff served lunch at Rosie’s Place.  I have to say that it was a good experience.  Let me start off by saying that I told our program coordinator that the IT department would be doing it this week. I had no idea who would be going but knew that we… Continue reading Serving Lunch

Categorized as Boston, Work


I’m waiting for my landlord to call me any day now.  I’m current on my rent and everything, but I’m approaching the end of my lease. That means I go month to month. He’s either going to want me to renew my lease or raise the rent. No. If you walk around my neighborhood, there… Continue reading Rent

Categorized as Boston

View from my Living Room Window

These were all taken with my little Nikon Coolpix L6 camera. United A319/A320 AirTran B717 Delta B757 Another AirTran B717 Unfortunately, I missed the Lufthansa B747-400. It’s getting dark now, so I doubt I’ll get a good shot of any other international aircraft.

Another Juror

There is a juror over my left shoulder who is really cute. Dare I say he’s terribly cute. We keep looking at each other, and I’m not sure if he’s making eyes at me or just realizing that I have the hots for him.

Categorized as Boston

Today’s Adventures on the T

Oh, I love this time of day, watching the international departures leaving Logan from my living room window… Getting home on the T was an adventure tonight. First, when I got to the Silver Line stop at Union Park street, the sign said the next bus would arrive in five minutes. That bus ended up… Continue reading Today’s Adventures on the T

Categorized as Boston, MBTA

The Weather

I hate to complain about the weather… It’s 69 degrees outside today. It’s beautiful. Wednesday, it’s supposed to snow. Yeah, the temperature is supposed to drop 40 degrees in the next four days. This is just messed up.

Categorized as Boston


It got cold here all of the sudden. Saturday, it was in the 60s. This morning, it was cold enough that it was snowing. This weather has been bizarre.  This morning it was cold. And the snow was a wet, heavy snow. By the time I got to work, I was soaked. It’s going to… Continue reading Snowfall

Categorized as Boston

Pedestrian Accident

I had to work a little late tonight to upgrade a system.  On my way out of the office, I was running to catch the bus when my knee popped. It hurt like hell, but I somehow managed to catch my bus. As I was wallowing in my self pity on the bus, it came… Continue reading Pedestrian Accident

Categorized as Boston