Too Early

Make no mistake about it. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I’ll go into that more as the season progresses. But let me tell you… The other night, Reggie and I were on our way home from PetSmart, and I drove past a house that already had their Christmas tree up in their… Continue reading Too Early

Categorized as Boston

Trader Joe’s

I needed to make a Trader Joes run today. This should have been fairly simple. I usually take the T to Coolidge Corners and it’s right there. So I got on the Blue Line en route to Government Center where I’d jump on the Green Line. I do this almost every day, and it’s no… Continue reading Trader Joe’s


Due to a broken wire at airport station, the last stop for my blue line train will be Maverick. Shuttle buses will replace the trains to Orient Heights where the train service will resume. The poor souls going to the airport… Maverick square is a mess with massport, silverline, and assorted mbta buses tring to… Continue reading Diversion


Remember a few weeks ago when my commute was hell when someone shot at a bus and I really had to pee? UniversalHub picked up my story.

Categorized as Boston

Official Driver

I’m official, now. I have a Massachusetts driver’s license. It came in the mail yesterday. When I went to the registry, they confiscated my RI license and gave me a paper temp license. I doubt I’d be able to board an airplane with that, although I do have a passport. Today, I’m going to run… Continue reading Official Driver

Categorized as Boston

T Rant

The MBTA has announced they’re proposing to hike fares again in the near future. Today, there was a woman handing out leaflets and explaining to people why they should fight the fare increase. I only heard part of her discussions, but she basically had two points: 1) Her minimum wage job hasn’t given her a… Continue reading T Rant

Categorized as Boston, MBTA

Why I hate PTT phones

In the construction industry, our field people live and die by their Nextel push-to-talk (PTT) phones. It’s the standard in the instrustry, and after a while, the chirping sounds they make can drive you crazy. The last thing I want to hear when I leave work is someone’s phone constantly chirping. Worse yet, I don’t… Continue reading Why I hate PTT phones

Categorized as Boston, MBTA

MBTA Police Bullshit

This story really pissed me off. (link) Hey, asshole union worker! I don’t care if your nose is all out of joint because you think someone else is doing your job. If the MBTA “police” were actually doing their jobs, maybe our T system would be a lot safer than it is. I really hate… Continue reading MBTA Police Bullshit

Categorized as Boston, MBTA

Taxi Incursion

I was crossing the street this morning in a crosswalk. I shouldn’t really have crossed because the sign said “Don’t walk.” But I was the pedestrian and kept walking.  A taxi came flying down Washington Street, honking at me because I was in his way. Never mind that I was in the crosswalk, putting the… Continue reading Taxi Incursion

Categorized as Boston