
I got the oil changed in my car finally. Places to do that are a little rare when you live in the city. Today I did some shopping. Yesterday was my day to be thrifty. Today… not so much. But I never got the new shoes I was planning on buying. Instead, I went to… Continue reading Cheesecake

Categorized as Boston


I’ve made a couple of tweaks to my template. This includes the “About” section and the top-of-page ads. They’re all consistent across all page now. I love using the embed tags.  I can change the code in one place, and it will be reflected across all the page types now. That rocks. I talked to… Continue reading RIS vs RAS

Bad Neighbors

Why do I always get the bad neighbors? I certainly had some bad ones in Pittsburgh, and I’ve not had the best of luck here in Boston. The people upstairs are nice. They’re very nice people. They’re just really loud. They haven’t grasped the concept that they walk on my ceilings. And Sunday mornings, I… Continue reading Bad Neighbors

Categorized as Boston


I thought about going out to the Ramrod tonight. It’s a gay leather/fettish bar. But I don’t really have the appropriate attire. Sure, I have a pair of 14 hole Doc Martens and a leather jacket. That would get me in the door, but I’ve got no “other” fettish gear. Oddly, a friend was going… Continue reading Ramrod

Nothing Much

I got up this morning to pug kisses on my face. After getting out of bed, I called PetSmart to see if they could get Reggie in for a grooming session. He hasn’t been there since a few weeks before Christmas and was due for a good bath. They took him at 11:00. I jumped… Continue reading Nothing Much

Commuter Train

Taking the commuter train every day is an interesting experience. We crowd on at South Station. Some of us trek across the city to board at South Station, knowing that the train will be full if boarded at Back Bay Station, and nobody wants to sit in that dreadful center seat. As one looks around… Continue reading Commuter Train

Categorized as Boston, MBTA