
I got the oil changed in my car finally. Places to do that are a little rare when you live in the city.

Today I did some shopping. Yesterday was my day to be thrifty. Today… not so much. But I never got the new shoes I was planning on buying. Instead, I went to the art wholesale place. It was nice, big, and inexpensive. I got some cool stuff and only spent about $16. Then I drove up to Woburn to hit up AC Moore. Little did I know that they were having a sale. All stickers are 40% off. That’s huge. I walked out of there having spent $30.

On the way back from Woburn, I decided to take Rt. 9 coming into the city. My intention was to get lost. That’s really the way to learn your way around the city. Instead, I found a Container Store. I picked up a few new thingies to organize my scrapbooking stuff. $25 there.  But all of my stuff now fits into two containers. Who knew?

After that, I stopped at my ghetto Stop & Shop. Why do they put the slow, chatty, socializing cashiers on the express lane? When I want to get in and out, I shouldn’t have to wait for the chick running the express lane to be chatting with her friends. That annoys me.

It’s now 7:00 and I’m thinking I might see what there is to do in this city. I have a T pass, so I might just jump on the red line and see where I land. Maybe I’ll take the orange line to Forest Hills and walk to JP.  I really want to run to the Prudential Center and pick up a piece of Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. I know it’ll go right to my ass, but it’s so yummy.

Reggie is curled up next to me right now, snoring. If I move, he’s going to growl at me, in a cute way. He’s going to grumble because he was comfortable and didn’t want to move.

Categorized as Boston