
If all goes well, I will be moving May 1. Tonight, I went to look at an apartment in East Boston. Assuming my references check out and my check clears, the apartment will be mine. Look at this picture and tell me why my inner aviation geek had a boner the whole time I was… Continue reading Moving


It only gets worse. My landlord called me back, and I explained the situation. He agrees that he has a bad tennant upstairs but because she’s section eight, he can’t easily get rid of her, especially in the winter. He feels bad for me and is going to let me out of my lease. He’s… Continue reading Smoke

Categorized as Boston


I have no plans for the day, so I’m going to go see what I can find in Boston today.

Categorized as Boston

Fedex Frustration

I get a shipment of coffee from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters every month. As my friend Beth says, “Life is too short to drink crap coffee.” Well, they send it via FedEx ground every six weeks. I’m trying to figure this situation out. On Thursday, they didn’t leave it at my house because nobody was… Continue reading Fedex Frustration

Categorized as Boston


I saw a bumper sticker last night that said “Dog is my copilot.” It was funny. My friend Steven just bought a new condo and he had a few friends over to celebrate it.  It’s really nice. Although I’ve learned that he lives on Madison Ave and I mapquested directions to Madison St. They are… Continue reading Copilot

Poor landlord

My poor landlord. When he met me, he said he was looking for a low maintnenace tennant. Basically, he didn’t want to be called to fix every little thing nor to shovel the sidewalks. I’m fairly low maintenance in that sense. The screws were loose on my doorknobs, and I tightened them. My upstairs neighbors,… Continue reading Poor landlord

Categorized as Boston


The pugs woke me up early this morning. That wasn’t too big of a surprise. So I jumped in the car and parked at the Wonderland T station. I jumped on the blue line and headed to Boston’s Haymarket.  (more, more) It was an incredible haul. This is so much cheaper than going to the… Continue reading Haymarket

Categorized as Boston

Snow storm?

A snowstorm? WTF? It was 50 degrees here yesterday! I read a lot of blogs. One of my favorites is Murphy the Pug. I finally got to meet the Murph Man today and Sam, his mom. I met them while we were working on the pug village scrapbook that I’d mentioned earlier. Leslie, the hostess,… Continue reading Snow storm?