Bad Neighbors

Why do I always get the bad neighbors? I certainly had some bad ones in Pittsburgh, and I’ve not had the best of luck here in Boston. The people upstairs are nice. They’re very nice people. They’re just really loud. They haven’t grasped the concept that they walk on my ceilings. And Sunday mornings, I don’t want to hear her screaming at her children and husband to get up and get moving. My only solace in this is that for an hour or so every Sunday morning, they get up and go to church. Theat means an hour or so of peace and quiet.

My one goal for today was to do about three loads of laundry. Socks and underwear are paramount. Jeans trail right behind that. Wouldn’t you know that she threw in a load of laundry right before she left for church. How rude is that? I don’t like to take other peoples’ stuff out of the laundry, so that’s got to wait.

I’m not sure what today holds, but it may not be laundry`.

Categorized as Boston