Need a job?

My company is looking for HR Generalists for both our New York and Boston offices. We’re looking for someone with five to seven years of experience, preferably in construction or heavy industry. We’re also looking for an IT support/helpdesk analyst in our Boston office. If you’re interested, give me a shout.

Two years

August 25, 2003 was a date I’ll never forget. It was the day that I knew that life was worth living. I’ve written about that before. The last two years have been an interesting ride, and so many amazing people have come into my life. A few people have unfortunately left my life, as well.… Continue reading Two years

A dog’s life

I swear, if Buddy runs off with one more of my socks, he’s going to become a rug. He needs to learn that the following things are not toys: my socks my underwear my shoes my pillow Other than that, the boys and I are getting along just great. Sometimes I think he misbehaves just… Continue reading A dog’s life


You are so much stronger than you realize. I give you so much credit. Having the confidence in yourself to start doing a daily injection is so much more than I could handle. Not many people can understand what we’re facing. It’s not just the physical things that happen to our bodies, but the emotional… Continue reading Shots


It’s possible for me to go 24 hours without updating. Who knew? I have to admit that I’m growing rather attached to these little furballs. At least a hundred times a day, I threaten to turn Buddy into a rug. But I’m rather fond of these two. At work today, I kept showing people at… Continue reading Thoughts


I had a good day today. I was concerned about getting to work because of the drastic change in my commute. Let me draw a couple of comparisons. First, I walked to the Swampscott commuter rail station instead of my normal ten minute drive to South Attleboro. I missed the train coming through at 6:40ish.… Continue reading Better


I have a lot going on in my life right now. Going from responsibile for just me to responsible for four other lives has changed my perspective a little. It has me thinking about some of my priorities and life situations. It’s also has me focused on a few things that are really important. Saturday… Continue reading Relapse

Boy meets grill

Marc and Liz came to visit me today. That was a lot of fun. We grilled out. Check out the grill marks! The dogs loved having fresh faces to play with. We took them to the beach.


Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to make me cry. Tonight was one such night. Watching the season premier of TLC’s Town Haul had me in tears. I’ve never seen so many people turn out and do so much to help out a family in need. And Jimmy Little, the carpenter, is pretty darn cute, too.


I think I’m starting to go into another relapse. Chances are, it won’t be a big deal. It happens every few months, and it usually just means I get really tired for a few weeks and have increased numbness. But this time, it’s my balance that’s giving me problems. I woke up this morning and… Continue reading Falling