DING! (Part Two)

Courtesy of Southwest Airlines’ DING! software, I think I’m going to San Francisco for my birthday, and it’ll cost me $200. I’m actually flying into Oakland. I’m pretty excited about this. I just have to wait until John gets out of bed to make sure it’s cool with him. It’s only 7:00 AM out there… Continue reading DING! (Part Two)

Amazing cats…

I stole this from Greg‘s myspace page. Wow. www.bruneistudent.com/board/bl…index.php?cmd=showentry&eid=34


I know, I’m so fucking gay… Sidewalk fairy tail.. Eden Espinosa really is an amazing performer. Listen to her belt this musical…

San Diego

I’m going to San Diego for a conference in November. This is very cool.


I have a date this weekend. Lets hope it goes better than the last one.

Gone Quiet

There is an episode of the West Wing called Gone Quiet where a nuclear sub goes quiet. They miss their time for signaling in. They’re in a little bit of trouble and they’re in a bad place at the time. They need to keep quiet to avoid getting themselves into any more trouble. It’s not… Continue reading Gone Quiet