
It’s possible for me to go 24 hours without updating. Who knew?


I have to admit that I’m growing rather attached to these little furballs. At least a hundred times a day, I threaten to turn Buddy into a rug. But I’m rather fond of these two. At work today, I kept showing people at work my pictures of the boys, and my boss asked when I was getting a dog. I told him it would have to wait until I moved closer to Boston. He just looked at me.

From the beginning, I’ve said that I love my job and I love living in Providence. The commute is the compromise. When that commute becomes too much, one of the other two will have to give. I’m thinking that it might be in my best interest to move closer to Boston, maybe not right away, but in the near future. The commute is what has me sold. I spend up to three hours a day commuting between Providence and Boston, and that’s sucking the life out of me.

We’ll see what the future holds. I’m notorious for changing my mind about things. Right now, I just know that I’m really enjoying the dogs.