
Shannon rawks! —-BEGIN MODCODE BLOCK—– Version: 0.02 M!(S) a- D-(+) d- b: P+>++ T->+ s– S–>++ I- e c:-++++ ——END MODCODE BLOCK——


Piercings get little crusties on them all the time. Well, I had one on my right nipple, and I did the worst possible thing. I tugged on it. Along with the crusty came about 3 mm of skin from INSIDE the piercing. OUCH! Now its swollen and sore. It might be infected, I can’t tell.… Continue reading Ouch!


I feel boring, not bored, today. I have so little going on today. Ho hum… I hate it when this happens.

The Lobes

So right now, I have 6 GA flesh tunnels in my lobes. They’re the kind that are flared on one side, and the back has an O-ring on it. The problem is that if I put the slightest pressure on the back of the jewelry, it’ll pull right through my lobe. This is prolly a… Continue reading The Lobes

My thoughts on drugs

I wrote this in an IM, and I think I should share it: I don’t get what the whole drug scene is about. I’ve smoked pot five times, and it just didn’t excite me. I took E four times, and the last two times were bad rolls. I have a few hits of E that’s… Continue reading My thoughts on drugs


Hi. My name is Mike, and I’m a carnivore. Yeah, I eat meat. Although the only beef I eat is the occasional burger. I stick to birds and fish mostly. I like pop music. Worse yet, I like country music, too. I used to work for a Fortune 10 corporation. I make more than $25K.… Continue reading Carnivore

PA 0

My PA is now up to 0 GA. Looks cool. Hurts, though. The stretching part will get better, I’m sure. But it hurts to pee. That much more metal means less liquid can flow through that little hole, meaning more pressure. I have to take it out to spank the monkey. The metal banging against… Continue reading PA 0


I’m up WAY past my bed time, but this needs to be documented. My self-esteem is on cloud nine at the moment. I ran into someone I used to date tonight. He hates gay bars. But he was working it hard. And he was failing. While I hate to see anyone fail, this is the… Continue reading Esteem