Still Sick

I’ve been sick for almost two weeks now. Normally, when I get sick, I’m sick and then it passes. This has lingered for way too long.

Last Wednesday, I called my doctor’s office, and he called in a prescription for some cough syrup with codine. That helped a little, but I’m still not feeling quite right. I’m still congested and coughing like mad. This is August for crying out loud! So today, I called back, and the nurse wanted me to see a doctor. She got me in to see a different doctor (since mine is scheduled through Thursday) who said my lungs sound clear and that I almost sound like I have athsma. I don’t think so.  She gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and Claratin.

I’ll give it a few days before I call my doctor’s office again. This cold/flu/cough thing has cost me a hundred bucks so far. I just want it to be over.

Oh, and there was all kinds of drama in the waiting room. But that’s another story for another day.

Categorized as Health