Weekend Plans

I’ve not been blogging much. I know, this makes Mike a bad blogger. Instead, I’ve been doing thing like working.

Last weekend, Reggie and I had some friends over. Beth and Paul brought Buddy and Brutus to play with Reggie, and Sam brought Jeff, Murphy, and Duke. Our friends Dave and Rita came Pugless. We had a really great time with copious amounts of beverage and some awesome food. I have to say that I’m really proud of the food. I did marinated steak tips, and we roasted some carrots and potatoes on the grill. I’ll post more about the steak tips later. I marinated them, and Beth cooked them off. We make one hell of a team.

This coming weekend, Reggie and I are off to see my parents. Monday is the big labor day parade in the little town where I grew up, and I’ll be driving my dad’s car in the parade. He owns a 1978 Silver Anniversary Edition Corvette. Now, I’m hardly a car buff, but my dad needs somebody to drive it, and that’s my excuse to go home for a weekend.

I’ve booked my flights to go home for Christmas. I got a really good deal on JetBlue. The sticker shock came when I called to make the pet reservation. That fee has doubled since the last time Reggie flew with me. My mom is really upset about this. She thinks that for $200, he should have his own seat.

Tomorrow, I’m sneaking out of work early. I have to run home, take Reggie out, and then head into Boston for a former coworker’s going away party.

I’m watching the Democrat convention with some awe. The whole world is watching what Senator Clinton is going to do tonight. I don’t like her much, and I don’t think Obama is ready to lead this country. Personally, I think Senator Clinton got screwed. Joe Biden as the VP candidate? What was Obama thinking?  At the same time, I’m relieved. Senator Clinton should have been Obama’s running mate. I think that pair could have easily beaten Senator McCain. Now I really want to see who McCain picks as his running mate. If he were asking my advice, and he’s not, I would suggest he pick Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. She knows business and the economy, and that would be a brilliant pair. Again, Senator McCain doesn’t ask for my advice. Perhaps he should.

I’m really looking forward to my trip to Oregon in October. In retrospect, I should have made that trip a bit longer.