This whole Daylight Savings Time has me all messed up. First, Reggie was up earlier. Second, everything was just early today. Heck, even Reggie was pawing at his bowl, clammoring for his supper early.  And it got dark really early. It’ll take a day or two to adjust. But I will adjust.


I just watched Lufthansa flight 423 take off over my house. This flight was operating a 747-400 to Frankfurt. I think my inner aviiation geek just had an orgasm.

Categorized as Aviation

Hidden Bottle Tax

In the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, we have a hidden tax known as the bottle and can deposit. Every time you buy something in a can or a bottle, you pay a five cent deposit. So for every twelve-pack of Diet Coke I buy, I have to plunk down an additional $0.60 for this hidden… Continue reading Hidden Bottle Tax

Categorized as Politics

Seasons Eatings Already?

The Food Network is already starting to advertise their “Seasons Eatings” campaign. Sheesh! They haven’t even finished airing Rachel Ray’s Halloween meals yet! They’re also advertising an upcoming episode of Iron Chef America where Rachael Ray and Giada De Laurentiis battle each other while teamed up with the Iron Chefs. That airs on November 12.… Continue reading Seasons Eatings Already?

Orange Cranberry Bread

Screw Daylight Savings Time. This morning, Reggie was up WAY too early. I’m off to Trader Joes in a bit to find something to take to my Halloween Potluck at work.  When my parents were here, we bought a mix for an orange cranberry bread, and it was fantastic. I think I’ll take some of… Continue reading Orange Cranberry Bread

Weekend Errands

It’s Saturday, the one day I could sleep in. Last night, I remembered to turn the alarm off. This morning, Reggie must have been concerned (or hungry) because he woke me up at 7:00. His breakfast was late. I put his kibble down and he ignored it. So I opened the back door so we… Continue reading Weekend Errands

Official Driver

I’m official, now. I have a Massachusetts driver’s license. It came in the mail yesterday. When I went to the registry, they confiscated my RI license and gave me a paper temp license. I doubt I’d be able to board an airplane with that, although I do have a passport. Today, I’m going to run… Continue reading Official Driver

Categorized as Boston

Remembering Domino

With Blanche’s loss of Bob, I started looking for pictures of Domino, my dalmatian. She’s been gone a little over two years now, and we still miss her something fierce. We got Domino when I was a junior in high school. She always slept at the foot of my bed. Even when I was away… Continue reading Remembering Domino

Categorized as Friends

Cat Litter Cake

Somebody posted this link on Pug Village, and it made me laugh. It’s just wrong on so many levels.

Long Day, Cold Nights

It’s been a very long day. After cleaning up our database mess this morning, I tried getting out of the office early. If you call 3:30 early (when I got there before 7:00), then I was successful. It’s getting cold outside. When I went to Walgreens, their sign said 35 degrees. With that temperature, it… Continue reading Long Day, Cold Nights