Remembering Domino

With Blanche’s loss of Bob, I started looking for pictures of Domino, my dalmatian. She’s been gone a little over two years now, and we still miss her something fierce.








We got Domino when I was a junior in high school. She always slept at the foot of my bed. Even when I was away at school and my parents kept my bedroom door closed, she slept in front of that door. After college, Domino started sleeping at the foot of my parents’ bed—unless I was there. Then she slept at the foot of my bed. My mom fed her, but Domino was MY dog.

Domino was our protector. Nobody got near the house without her alerting us. She was especially protective of Sarah. You can tell by the pictures that the day we brought Sarah home from the hospital, Domino knew that she had work ahead of her. If Sarah was in her crib in the dining room at my parents’ house and start to fuss while we were in the living room, she would stand in the doorway and bark, letting us know that Sarah was in distress.

And then there was the time Domino and I were playing in the living room. We were getting pretty rough. My mom yelled at both of us to settle down. Domino, always the one to get the last word, walked around behind me and pissed on my head. Yeah, she won that battle. My dad still laughs to the point of tears with that one.

Oh, to give reference to the pictures, Sarah is now seven.

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