Weekend Errands

It’s Saturday, the one day I could sleep in. Last night, I remembered to turn the alarm off. This morning, Reggie must have been concerned (or hungry) because he woke me up at 7:00. His breakfast was late. I put his kibble down and he ignored it. So I opened the back door so we could go outside. With the wind and rain, he wanted no part of that. We went back to bed after that, and I had some bizarre dreams.

About 10:30, we woke up to a thundrous crash. It sounded like a car had hit the house. It seems that the upstairs neighbors had dropped something on their deck.  What else was odd was that my back door had blown open.

I did a whole lot of nothing today. I reheated some soup, watched an old movie (Red Dawn), and started downloading some stuff. A little later, I dropped off Reggie at PetSmart for his grooming. The little guy was not happy about this. I’ll make sure I give him some cookies when I pick him up.  Then I went to Michael’s, the craft store, and picked up a few things.  I also went into Home Depot to look at some paint samples. I’d like to paint my living room. But right now, I just can’t be bothered.

I need to pick up my laundry before heading back to PetSmart to get Reggie. You see, I got really lazy this weekend. I dropped off 30 lbs of laundry at the local laundromat. At 85 cents per pound, that’s $25 for someone else to wash two weeks worth of laundry. The two things I didn’t take to the laundromat are my underwear and my jeans. The jeans are too heavy (and expensive to wash) and I just don’t like other people touching my underwear.  Now, that $25 coud go toward something else, but honestly, it’d still cost me $15 in quarters, plus I’d have to run up and down the steps a million times. I’d rather let the nice hispanic women make some money off my laziness.