Boston MS Walk 2006

I’ve been sending a flurry of e-mails to my friends family and anybody will will read my messages lately. I’m begging people to sponsor me for the 2006 MS Walk. If you can give a few bucks, please do. My goal is to raise $2000 and right now, I’m just over $300. I have less… Continue reading Boston MS Walk 2006

Bad websites…

I may be meeting my friend Jason at a bar in Cambridge tonight. I went to their website and was completely aghast. This really one of those websites that sucks. Maybe I’ll talk to the manager tonight and scam some free drinks if I can redesign their site.

Categorized as Boston


I got the lease to the new place in the mail today. I’ll sign it and return the original on Monday. I guess you can say that the place is mine. The only problem is that the lease explicitly restricts me to one dog. I imagine that can be negotiated later. At the current place,… Continue reading Lease

My day

I went to check out the new neighborhood today. This is going to rock. I’m able to walk to the T station (Wood Island on the Blue Line) and was able to find my way to 1A north. Hell, even the Airport Blue Line station is within walking distance. The planes weren’t flying overhead today,… Continue reading My day


Look here. I’ve had ads on my site since 2002. Who says I’m keeping up with the Jonses? 

Categorized as Blogging

Bad Day, Good End, Good Eats

Yesterday was a bad day at work. We upgraded our project management system to the latest version. Three weeks ago, my boss told me that the testing of this product would not be my responsibility. I had everything ready for it to be tested before I went to Arizona. I came back to not only… Continue reading Bad Day, Good End, Good Eats

Categorized as Boston, Work

Food Fan

This is for my friend Beth. Dinner was simply amazing.

Another Doc Update

I just got off the phone with my doctor again. He’s putting me on a dose of prednisone. So I’m going to be bitchy, cranky, irritable, and I’ll put on a ton of weight. This is not going to be fun. HOWEVER, this is even more reason to get to the gym. If I’m going… Continue reading Another Doc Update

Doc Update

My primary care doctor is great… once I get in touch with him. I told him what’s going on with my leg, and he’s concerned. I think he’s a little miffed that my neurologist’s office blew me off, though. He’s trying to get in touch with the doctor covering for her to confer. But he… Continue reading Doc Update


The references have been checked and the certified check is in the mail. The apartment is mine. All I have to do is sign the lease when it comes in the mail in a few days.