
It’s been a rough week, personally and professionally. My head just wasn’t in the game today at work, and my boss had the day off. At noon, I decided it was time to take a few hours of personal time. First, I went to get my hair cut and beard trimmed. I’m now sporting a… Continue reading Parasurfing

Noisy Neighbors

The upstairs neighbor’s daughter was yelling “Mom!” She’s loud. Without thinking I yelled ‘Stop yelling!’ You could cut the silence with a knife. It was beautiful. I think they finally got the hint, though.

Categorized as Boston


I’m feeling a little better, but I must have eaten something bad this morning. I wasn’t feeling too well around 10:00 and I went home and got some sleep. That did wonders for me. I came back to work for our ESOP meeting. The biggest news I heard out of that was that we have… Continue reading Better(ish)

MS-Related Depression

I’ve been down this road before, and I don’t like it. It’s bumpy. Every time. And it doesn’t seem to get easier. When I have a relapse, I get nervous—I get anxious—I get depressed. How long until this passes? How long until it happens again? Will it be worse next time? These are all questions… Continue reading MS-Related Depression


I keep looking at my MS Walk Pledge Page, and I’m humbled every time I do. The amount of money that has come in has been impressive. My friends and coworkers have really reached into their pockets, and I’m incredibly grateful. My dad’s family, however, has been a bit of a disappointment.  Still, if I… Continue reading Grateful


Reggie is at PetSmart being groomed and the house is totally quiet. It’s really kind of creepy. But it’s time for a good nap. My neurologist’s office called me back today, finally. It usually takes them two days to call me back. Her assistant says that she’ll be available tomorrow in the lab and that… Continue reading Quiet


What is it with me and landlords? My landlord in Pittsburgh was new, but she had ethics and tried to be good. My landlord in Providence didn’t know how to be a landlord. My landlord now in Boston doesn’t want to be a landlord. Lets hope the next one is better. He owns more properties… Continue reading Landlords


This is good… we had an executive assistant to a senior VP have her laptop stolen. On her laptop was her boss’ e-mail archive. It’s not like we can send her hard drive out for recovery because it’s just plain gone.  Her boss is not going to be a happy camper.  I got some good… Continue reading Sold!

Very tired

My boss kicked me out of the office at 4:00. Well, he made me come home to get some rest. I must look terrible. My only goal for tonight is to call my current landlord and tell him that I’m moving out. If I feel a big spurt of energy, I’ll do a load of… Continue reading Very tired

Categorized as Health


I feel like I’ve taken a full miligram of Xanax and am trying to fight the exhaustion. I’m utterly wiped right now. It’s MS, I’m sure. But there isn’t a whole lot I can do about it. I do have a call into my neurologist’s office, hoping she’ll have some brilliant insight to offer. In… Continue reading Wiped