My day

I went to check out the new neighborhood today. This is going to rock. I’m able to walk to the T station (Wood Island on the Blue Line) and was able to find my way to 1A north. Hell, even the Airport Blue Line station is within walking distance. The planes weren’t flying overhead today, so they must have been coming in from the other direction.

There are restaurants, stores, and shops in my new neighborhood. Heck, even the grocery store is within walking distance, even though I wouldn’t want to do that. Right now, the only thing in my neighborhood are a few ghetto stores. This new neighborhood has a really rich diversity to it. I heard all kinds of languages, including American English. I didn’t hear any ghetto trash speak either. I’m sure it exists, though.

Since I’m going to be riding the T more often, I’m going to go back to being a regular contributor for I do love that site. They really have their pulse on the heatbeat of the MBTA and the shit they screw up.

I need to run to the mall tonight. I need to buy a couple of presents, including my dad’s birthday that I totally forgot and my coworker who is about to have her baby any day now.