Our True Colors

I’m in my third season singing with the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus. It’s a lot of work, and it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Next weekend, we begin our December concert series, Joy. It’s going to be an incredible concert, certainly not one to miss. Reuben has pulled out all the stops for this one, including a brass quintet. Chad has written an incredible arrangement that includes my favorite piece in the entire concert. And we’re the first to perform the TTBB arangement of Gwyneth Walker’s “Rejoice!” Go get your tickets now while good tickets can still be gotten.

As excited as I am about the December concert series, I’m jumping out of my skin over what we have in store for March.

A few weeks ago, Reuben dropped a bombshell on us. The concert he had planned for March is being put on the shelf for a while. Something more important has come up. There has been an epidemic of suicides by gay teens in the past several months, and we needed to respond. It’s our own way of saying It Gets Better. We’ll be filling Jordan Hall with Defying Gravity from Wicked, Christina Aguilera’s Beautiful, and of course, Cyndi Lauper’s classic True Colors. Both Joy and Our True Colors will be concerts you won’t want to miss.

Come to think of it, with our Beatles concert in June, this might be a good time to buy a season subscription.

I’m really proud to be part of this organization.

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