What’s on my iPhone?

It’s no secret that I LOVE my iPhone. My friend Tatjana just got herself a shiny new iPhone, and I thought I’d share some of the apps that I just can’t live without.

iPhone Home Screen

That’s an actual screen shot of my home screen. A lot of the apps are native ones, but there are a few that I use regularly. Most were free, but a few I had to pay a few bucks to have.

Grocery IQ – I use this all the time. It’s basically my grocery store shopping list. When I know I need to get something, I put it on my shopping list. At the grocery store, it helps me organize my shopping, and then after checking out, I move the items to history. It’s outstanding.

Remember the Milk – Thanks to Brent Ozar, I’m completely hooked. This is my other to-do list. I track everything with RTM, and their iPhone app kicks ass. You have to pay for the service if you want to use the iPhone app, but at $25 a year, it’s well worth it.

GasBag – I use this to see where to get gas in my area at the best price. Better yet, it helps me track my gas purchases. It tells me what kind of mileage I get after filling up.

Twitterific – I’m a complete nut about Twitter.  This little app is the best iPhone app for Twitter that I’ve found.

Say Who is a voice dialer for the iPhone. I’m still playing with it, but it’s not bad.

Sol Free – This is a solitare game for the iPhone. You get what you pay for. I like it, though.

I’m still trying to find an app that will let me download all of my text messages from the phone. So far, I’ve had no success finding such a thing.

Yeah, I’m a big ol’ geek.