One Term President

With the presidential election only a few weeks away, things sure are getting heated. No matter who wins, I want one thing, a decisive election. President Bush didn’t win either election with a decisive margin, and this has plagued his presidency. The last thing the next president needs is another “Not My President” agenda working against him. I just hope that the election isn’t decided in a tight election by a single state, and god forbid that state be Ohio with accusations of voter registration fraud.

Regardless of who wins, I have a theory that whomever wins will be a one-term president. Keep in mind that presidents in times of economic turmoil rarely stay the president. And then…

Should Senator McCain become President McCain, I think he’s just too old to run for a second term. Presidents tend to age more than four years in a four-year term. That would make Sarah Palin the presumptive GOP front-runner. At that point, the Democrats would have Senator Clinton running against her. There you have two polarizing women. Oh, it will be fun to watch. And I think that Senator Clinton will beat the pants off Gov. Palin.

And then there is Senator Obama. I think the newness will wear off and the main stream media will revoke the pass they’ve given him. He’ll finally start to get the scrutiny that only the conservative press has given him. There is just something about the man that gives me a bad feeling. Something is going to come up, and he’ll not win a second term. In this scenario, I don’t think you’ll see Sarah Palin running in 2012.

I have no facts to base any of this on. It’s all my opinion and speculation. Take it for what it’s worth. I was also the one who predicted that the 2008 would be between Hilary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.