
I went for some neuropsych evaluation a few weeks ago and then went back for the followup a week later. My final report came in the mail on Saturday.  There weren’t any surprises.

One of the things that really surprised me is that most of the things in the report have more to do with my ADD than my MS. It turns out I’m pretty smart. My visual-spacial skills are superior. There was one test that I particularly bombed. As we discussed it, she was telling me that the reason I bombed it was because instead of taking the test, I was trying to figure out how to beat the test. I have this tendency to figure out what the rules of the game are in order to win. It’s how I got through high school without being diagnosed with ADD, because I test well. 

When I took a test that was much more difficult, I did better. That seems to indicate that when I really focused on something, it was rather effective. That means my Strattera is working.

The whole thing was really quite interesting, and we now have a good baseline going forward. I’ve asked her to make sure that both my psychiatrist and neurologist get a copy of the report.