
As a long-time owner of a Honda Civic (it’s been eight years), I can tell you that it’s funny how much stuff can fit into a Honda Civic. Tonight, I proved just that. When I went to Home Depot to get my new grill, I found that it wouldn’t fit into the trunk of my… Continue reading Grill


They say that friends are the family you choose for yourself. Well let me tell you… On Thursday, Beth and Paul invited me out for part of the weekend, and having been cramped up in my condo for two weeks, I jumped at the chance. Actually, Paul suggested coming out Thursday night and helping him… Continue reading Weekend

Civic Duty

My sister called me on Tuesday and told me that she had bought a new car, a 2008 Honda Civic. She’s a visiting nurse who puts a ton of miles on her car. She had been driving a Santa Fe, which was great in the winter but got dreadful gas mileage. She was spending a… Continue reading Civic Duty

Mutant Berries

I went to BJ’s today to get out of the house for a while. As I was walking through the produce department, they had these strawberries that were huge. And I mean mutant huge. The quarter (yes, that’s a quarter) should give you some perspective.  And they’re incredibly juicy and tasty. For dinner tonight, I… Continue reading Mutant Berries

Unproductive Day

I’m still off work this week because of the surgery. The doctor agreed that with my MS, it would be a good idea to take the extra time. So until next week, I’m on short term disability. Today, Reggie and I got up at 7:00 and did the potty/kibble thing. I tried lying back down… Continue reading Unproductive Day


Today, Woot has a Dyson for $250. As tempting as that may be for some people, I have no carpet in my place. Everything is original hardwood floors. A Dyson would be overkill for me. A few weeks ago, I bought a Roomba 4260, and I have to say that it kicks ass. I turn… Continue reading roomba


The news is out that Delta and Northwest plan on merging. If you follow the aviation industry, this is hardly a headline. The merger has been in the works for months. What is really fascinating here is the labor relations aspect. Delta said all along that it wouldn’t go through a merger without the support… Continue reading Merger

Categorized as Aviation


I remember saying to a coworker about four years ago how much it drove me crazy to see guys wearing eyeliner. Now it’s becoming much more acceptable and has even been dubbed “guyliner.”  (link) I still don’t get it.

Kraig’s Krew

Today’s MS Walk was an exhausting event. As I was sitting down for the VIP Breakfast (for people raising more than $1000, sponsored by Whole Foods), I sat down with a couple of guys at a table that had space. As we got talking, I was talking to another gay guy about my age with… Continue reading Kraig’s Krew

Ugly Dog

PICT7419.JPG Originally uploaded by mikehillwig I’ll never forget when I first told my dad that I had gotten Reggie and sent him a picture via instant messenger. His first reaction was that I had gotten an ugly, yappy dog and that he wasn’t going to like him. A few weeks later, Reggie made his first… Continue reading Ugly Dog