Back in the Burgh

About eight years ago, I was at Station Square in Pittsburgh with an old friend. There was an art gallery there that sold lithographs of paintings. A lot of the stuff was rather pricey but pretty to look at. I saw something that really caught my eye, and that was a painting by Paul Rendel… Continue reading Back in the Burgh


I called my car insurance company this afternoon to tell them that I’d moved. As history teaches us, the RMV does not inform your insurance company of such things. Last time we went through this exercise, my rates skyrocketed. That had something to do with buying a brand new car (replacing something fully paid for)… Continue reading Insurance

Summer’s Coming

I went to the liquor store tonight to pick up some beer, specifically Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. What caught me off guard, though, was the Sam Summer Ale in the cooler. I bought a twelve pack. Yes, summer (ale) is coming.


Tonight is the Make Me a Supermodel season one reunion show. One of the things they’re putting into the teasers is a closeup of Ronnie and Ben and asking about the BROmance. You see, Ronnie is gay and Ben is not. In fact, Ben is married. I’m not so sure Ben is all that straight.… Continue reading BROmance

Commuter Connections

If you live in the Boston area, you probably love to hate the MBTA.  It’s a good system that’s unfortunately run by monkeys. One of the nice things about living in Salem is being able to take the train into work. What I really like is that during peak times, there is a train running… Continue reading Commuter Connections

Categorized as Boston, MBTA

Rude Driver

I don’t want this to sound like an “I hate all things MBTA” but this morning, my experience on the silver line wasn’t exactly pleasant. I got off the orange line at New England Medical center and when I got to the top of the steps, I made a dash to the waiting silver line… Continue reading Rude Driver


DSCN0914.JPG Originally uploaded by mikehillwig When my parents visited me in Boston last year, the one thing my mom commented on several times was that my living room had no curtains. She just didn’t like the blinds on the window. I tried explaining that curtains would get in the way of watching the planes, but… Continue reading Curtains


The Justice Department has just approved the Sirius/XM merger.