The Next Iron Chef

Tonight, the Food Network premiers The Next Iron Chef. Let me say now, for the record, that I’m rooting for Michael Symon. I just think he’s hot.

Next Weekend

My friend Steve is coming to visit from London next weekend. This is the same friend who schlepped my ass across London last year at this time.  So I’m trying to figure out what to do. I hope to make this a low-key weekend. Steve is an aviation geek, too, so Friday night after he… Continue reading Next Weekend

New DVD Player

I just bought myself a new DVD player.  I have no idea if it’s good, but for $40, it’s worth a try. Today, is doing a woot-off, meaning the product changes as soon as it sells out. They only had sixty of these babies, and I snagged it really quickly. Really, I need a… Continue reading New DVD Player

Bonsai Sheepskin Sandals

Okay, these are about the ugliest things I’ve seen in ages. I can only imagine one of my friends who would actually wear them. Sorry, Sam….

Weather Bug

There must be a bug in the planetary weather control system. It’s October and we’re getting June weather. It’s in the 80s during the day and the 50s at night. This just doesn’t make sense. My birthday is in a few weeks, and it frequently snows on my birthday. My claims we had a HUGE… Continue reading Weather Bug

Today’s Laugh

Somebody posted this in the Whatever forum on IAM. A very loud, obnoxious and foul mouthed woman walked into Wal-Mart with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. The Wal-Mart greeter said pleasantly, “Good morning. Welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?” The rude woman… Continue reading Today’s Laugh

Breaking of Bread

Here is a great quote worth sharing: For much of the history of mankind, the breaking of bread was a sign of friendship and community. This actually comes from a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode called Time Squared. I plan on using it today for our potluck lunch.


Tomorrow is another potluck lunch at work. Oh, the decisions… I watch the Food Network a lot, and if I’ve learned anything from Ina Garten, I’ve learned that if you can make a few things really well, the variations on those things can serve you well. On that note, I’ve roasted some potatoes for the… Continue reading Potluck


I got this when I logged into Flickr this morning. It made me smile.