1600 miles

Reggie and I logged over 1500 miles over the course of four days.  Oddly, the only pictures I took were of Reggie in the car. He did really well.

Every time I go home, the sleepy little town where I grew up seems to get smaller. For example, a young woman who grew up the street from me has a “colored boyfriend.” I’m not sure which bothers me more, the fact that they still refer to him as “colored” or the fact that they care. I’ve met said boyfriend, and he seems nice.

Here are a few other highlights from the weekend:

My dad was completely surprised by the visit.
Reggie had a great time visiting my parents.
I sat on the front porch and drank beer with my dad two nights in a row.
My sister’s boyfriend’s brother is hot. Really hot.
My mom was horrified by the fact that I didn’t go to church with her on Sunday morning. I didn’t have anything appropriate to wear.
My niece is getting so big.  She’ll be eight in a few weeks.
My dad loved my new car. He mentioned that he loved my Sirius. Little did he know that I had one in the trunk as a gift for him.
I went swimming on Sunday with the family. I got sunburned and pulled muscles that I had forgotten I had.

It was a good weekend, and I’m glad I made the trip home. Granted, I spent a little more money than I had expected, but that’s okay. My parents have spent money on me more times than I can count, so it’s okay.

The route home took ten hours each way. It certainly took longer than my usual route, but I never stopped moving. There was minimal construction and it was a smooth drive. Never did I stop moving. The one thing that sucked is that this route was a toll road from Boston to Erie, PA. I90 across two states (MA and NY) probably isn’t cheap. It’s on my EZ-pass, so I don’t know what the cost was, but I do know I paid it both directions.

Tomorrow, I’m back to work.