Insurance Changes

We got an e-mail at work today telling us that we’re changing our health insurance plan. The premise is that everything will be better and that the transition will be incredibly smooth. Everything will be automatically transferred over they told us. Immediately after reading the e-mail, alarm bells were going off in my head. My prescriptions cost thousands of dollars every month, and I can’t afford to pay retail for these.  I also know that I have two prescriptions that require prior authorization.

Trying not to panic, I walked down to see our benefits coordinator and explained the situation. She wasn’t entirely familiar with the prior authorization process, and I explained that waiting two weeks for this to be processed can be a bit of a hassle. So she made a few inquiries and found out that we would have to go through the process again with the new insurance. The good news is that we can start the process now.

I don’t like it when people fuck with my healthcare. Fortunately, I work for a company with good People. Christina has already bent over backwards to help me through this. We’ll make it.