Bah Humpug

I read a lot of blogs. A few of them are about Pugs. Every once in a while, I’ll come across something that catches my eye. Today, this one was pretty damn cute.

Dear Santa

Every year, my niece throws us a curveball at Christmas, and she has no idea that she’s doing it. Sarah comes up with this one gift that she absolutely must have. It’s usually the hottest toy of the season, too. (That’s my sister’s fault for letting Sarah watch too much TV.) And Sarah doesn’t tell… Continue reading Dear Santa

Categorized as Family

Airline Cultures

I mentioned that AirTran buying Midwest was a really bad idea because of the clash of corporate cultures. Maybe my thinking isn’t so far-fetched.  This article talks about the culture clash that would happen in a merge between American and Northwest.

Categorized as Aviation

Salzburg Spas

Now tell me this isn’t an incredible idea…

Categorized as Travel

Tentative: Salzburg

I’m planning a winter vacation. Last Monday, I was telling our international sales rep, who is from Milan, Italy, that I wanted to go someplace beautiful in the winter. I wanted to see the mountains and drink a warm beverage inside while the snow fell outside. I was asking him about Switzerland, and he tells… Continue reading Tentative: Salzburg

Categorized as Travel

Airline Consolidation

US Airways wants to buy Delta. AirTran wants to buy Midwest. United is doing the merger dance with Continental. Lawmakers are afraid the industry is going to implode on itself. I have news for the lawmakers in Washington: The industry NEEDS to implode on itself. In the past 30 years, the airline industry has changed… Continue reading Airline Consolidation

Categorized as Aviation


Ladies and gentlemen, my car is paid in full. Amen.

Stil Alive

I haven’t blogged in a few days. That’s unlike me. Surprisingly, I’ve just been busy. Between work, our company meeting on Monday and the chaos that followed it, and my adventures with contacts, there is a lot going on. There is much writing to be done, but right now, I’m just too tired.

Lense Problems

Today was an interesting day with my new contact lenses. The right one went right in with no problems. The left one somehow didn’t feel right. I figured it just needed to settle down and everything would be okay. After a while, it seemed that they weren’t getting much more comfortable. I figured that I… Continue reading Lense Problems

What Superhero are you?

Your results:You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 85% Green Lantern 60% Catwoman 50% Iron Man 50% The Flash 50% Superman 50% Supergirl 46% Hulk 40% Batman 35% Wonder Woman 31% Robin 30% You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test