Meeting Ina Garten

I spent over two hours in line to get my copies of Ina Garten‘s Barefoot Contessa at Home Cookbook signed. The line snaked the whole way through a very large Crate and Barrel store.  Wanna know something? It was worth every single minute. While she was signing my two copies, I got to speak briefly with Ina. She is as warm and friendly as you see on her TV show.  She was just so nice.  And she’s much thinner than she looks on TV. 

I’ve been watching her on TV for three years now, and it’s because of her that I’m not afraid to roast a chicken. And I told her that. She said ‘Isn’t it easy? People think it’s so daunting when it’s really wonderful.” That’s what you see on TV and that’s what you get in person. She is one of those celebrities that met my expectations, which were quite high.


Pardon the crappy camera phone picture.

After leaving Crate and Barrel, I walked past the Best Cellars where Josh Wesson was doing a wine tasting. You may not know who he is, but I sure do. I frequently mention my love of Lynne Rosetto-Kasper, the host of NPR’s The Splendid Table. He does a regular segment on her show about wines. He was very nice and quite knowlegable of the wines we were tasting. I ended up spending $15 on a nice white burgundy. He explained the origins of it and that was really cool.

I asked Josh about Lynne and he says that she’s exactly what you hear on the radio, warm and friendly toward people and passionate about food.

Two celebrities, one day. Not bad for a days work.

Oh, google Ina Garten Boston and see what comes up first. I love that.