Duncan and Bonnie

Yesterday, I was walking through Boston’s South End when I saw a guy with two Pugs. One was fawn and the other black. As any of my coworkers can tell you, the world comes to a stop when I see someone walking a pug (let alone two). I asked the guy about his Pugs.  Bonnie, the fawn, was a bit shy. He tells me that she was a rescue and that she is cautious around new people. I just kept petting her and she warmed up pretty quickly. Duncan, the black Pug, was beautiful. He was such a typical Pug in that he was friendly and immediately jumped up to give me kisses. Duncan’s owner was horrified when he sneezed on my face. I took it in stride, and explained that it was just Duncan’s way of expressing his affection.

Maybe I am a bit crazy about these little furballs.