Home from Home

Reggie and I are back from our trip to PA. It was a great trip and I’m very tired. Tomorrow, I’m back to work. Pictures will follow soon. Tonight, I got 75 Christmas cards ready to go out the door for my PugVillage card exchange. Tomorrow night, I’m going out to get Buddy, who will… Continue reading Home from Home

Other Photo

This is the picture that will go in with the select few hand-made cards I’m sending this year.

Christmas Card Photo

Reggie and I posed while my sister took the picture for my Christmas card. Darcie says that getting a dog to sit still during a picture is worse than having a kid sit still. But we got the picture! There are a few outtakes that I’ll post later.

Flintstonian Execution

I was watching the new episode of Top Chef tonight, and Anthony Bourdain was the guest judge. He used the phrase “Flintstonian execution” to describe one dish. It was a priceless quote.

The Shrub

It’s amazing how the little things in life have an impact on us. Things that seem so insignificant at one point in our life can often come back and remind us of how things change over time. Take for example, the little shrub I bought for my mom when I was in high school. I… Continue reading The Shrub

Flight of the TiVo

My TiVo has arrived at the TiVo RMA center in Kentucky. This makes me happy. The replacement should be here in a week or so.

Categorized as Technology

Home for Thanksgiving

I’m sitting in the den at my parents’ house, snarfing my dad’s cable modem connection. Reggie is curled up on the floor next to me. He’s having a great time here. This morning, I left Reggie at the house and went to my mom’s flower shop before heading to the grocery store. Well, they got… Continue reading Home for Thanksgiving

Categorized as Family

Surprising Mom

Well, the surprise didn’t go quite as planned. We most certainly surprised my parents. My dad was keeping Sarah and Darcie walked into her house with Reggie and surprised my dad. I heard him yell “Fleabag!” That’s what he calls Reggie. Then we went to my parents house and dad opened the door to let… Continue reading Surprising Mom

Categorized as Family

PIT landing

Reggie and I have landed in Pittsburgh. It was a nice flight and Reggie did really well.  Josh is picking us up at the airport and my sister will meet us somewhere along the way. This is a moblog entry.

Surviving so far

I think the hard parts should be through. We survived the cab ride, checkin, and airport security. Reggie is doing okay. Josh will be picking us up at the airport and then we’ll reward Reggie with a trip to Petsmart for being so good. This is a moblog entry.