Home for Thanksgiving

I’m sitting in the den at my parents’ house, snarfing my dad’s cable modem connection. Reggie is curled up on the floor next to me. He’s having a great time here.

This morning, I left Reggie at the house and went to my mom’s flower shop before heading to the grocery store. Well, they got swamped at the flower shop, and my mom put me to work. It appears that two people died right before Thanksgiving. That’s terribly inconvenient. I’ll have to make sure I don’t die before a major holiday when my time comes. Anyway, “the truck” had just come with boxes of flowers that needed to be put into water and have their ends snipped off. That’s what I did for an hour or so, restocking the cooler with freshly cut flowers.

Then I went to the grocery store. Surprisingly, it wasn’t busy. But this is also a little grocery store in a little town. Most of the people would be going to the big Giant Eagle or Walmart Super Center in Butler. (Giant Eagle is the Pittsburgh’s answer to Stop & Shop or Shaws.) I picked up a few necessities, including some plain yogurt for Reggie’s kibble and a bag of frozen blueberries. My mom needed a few things and so did Donna, her business partner.

Next, I went back to the flower shop and we had lunch. Now I’m back at my parents’ house. I’ll be starting dinner here shortly. My mom put in some chicken breats last night, and they’ve been stewing in the crock pot ever since. I’ll make some gravy and biscuits.

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