
There are a lo of bilingual people in this city. I’m not one of them. You hear all kinds of languages here, but what drives me crazy are the people who switch languages mid-sentence. You go from not understanding a word to understanding and back, all in one sentence. Elvis, my barber does this, and… Continue reading Bilingual

Categorized as Boston


One of the things I love about living in Boston is that its truely a multicultural city. This morning, I was on the T, and there were two women sitting behind me speaking the most beautiful Russian I’ve heard in a very long time. It was nice to hear something other than Spanish for once.… Continue reading Russian

Categorized as Boston

Apple Recalls Batteries

I do believe the battery in my iBook is impacted by this recall. This is a good thing. My battery life was starting to go down a little. UPDATE: It turns out that I’m not getting a new battery. This is for 15” PowerBooks, not 15” iBooks. Damn.

What kind of gay man are you?

What type of gay man are you? The Well-adjusted:Congratulations!  You’re a normal person.  You’re versatile in social situations. You like art, pop culture, and don’t have any psychotic disorders nor do you fixate on any one facet of your life.  You’re genrally well liked by all because you treat people with respect and dignity, because… Continue reading What kind of gay man are you?

Busy Weekend

If you weren’t aware of this, having MS can suck. I’m just tired of always being tired. My weekend was good. Camping was okay. My tent broke. It was going to rain, and my shoes gave me blisters. On top of that, my campsite was on a hill and I kept sliding down my tent.… Continue reading Busy Weekend

On the Road

In less than an hour, Reggie and I will be headed to western Mass for a weekend camping trip. This should be fun.  Don’t expect any blog updates until Sunday at the earliest.


Every good story has a backstory. This one is no exception, assuming it’s a good story. When Michelle and I were planning yesterday’s trek to New York, we made changes to our plans no less than three times. Carol, our travel agent, was probably getting tired of me by the time I changed the plane… Continue reading Backstory

Categorized as Travel, Work

Vacation Begins

I’ve set my out-of-office profile, cleaned up my desk a bit and will be walking out of the office soon. The vacation begins…. now. (Okay, it’s only one vacation day, but it’ll be a fun weekend.)