Sometimes, you just have to say “Fuck it. Drive on.” Like bad gas, this too, shall pass.


I just went to see the chiropractor. I do that every Wednesday. Today, it was a different chiropractor. He cracked my neck, and it was beyond audible. It was was outright loud. My neck feels better, though. Today, we realized one of our goals for implementing the CRM system, and it was a complete accident.… Continue reading Crack


Rob just shaved my head. It doesn’t feel all that different.


I was chatting with a guy last night from another site. He seems really different. His online profile says he’s inked. That provoked a question from me, of course. It turns out that he has eight different tattoos, about 20 hours. He has my attention. He’s atypically gay in that he’s a big sports fan.… Continue reading Inked

Shaving my head

I’m contemplating shaving my head again. I haven’t done that in a while. This picture is about five years old. I think I look pretty good.


0530 comes awfully early when you’ve been drinking the night before. I can’t even imagine how Miyagi is going to be feeling today. I’m not hung over, just really tired.

Nine days

Five weeks ago, I made a pact. That pact was no body mods whatsoever for the next six weeks. Any body mods for two weeks after that required prior authorization from Lauren. In nine days, that pact reaches the six week mark. In twenty-three days, that pact completely expires. Those who know me well probably… Continue reading Nine days

DING! (Part Four)

I’m totally addicted to this software now. I was sitting here, doing some work, chattng with Lauren when I heard the DING! I jumped to see what they were offering. It’s crazy. But it’s fun. I’m waiting on a good deal to Miami or Ft. Lauderdale to visit my friend Pete.

DING! (Part Three)

…or not. I didn’t get in touch with John in time and the fare expired. I’m sure it’ll come up again before too long.