Please Help the Milkmaid

My friend Joy is a tattoo artist and a good one at that. Recently, her Brooklyn apartment was broken into, not once, but twice. All of her tattoo equipment and supplies have been stolen right before she was to start on a tour. Joy now needs to spend a lot of money to replace everything… Continue reading Please Help the Milkmaid

Boston Pride 06

I’ve never been a huge fan of gay pride events. What is there to be proud of? As my friends were wishing each other a “happy pride,” I was jokingly wishing everyone a “take it up the ass day.” Now I know that sounds cynical, and perhaps it is. But really, what do we have… Continue reading Boston Pride 06

College Friends

In the past week or so, I’ve gotten messages from three different friends from college. I haven’t seen two of them since college and the other about five years. It’s weird how something like my space can help you find people you haven’t seen in ages. I dug up a few people as well. That’s… Continue reading College Friends

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Travel Agent

I’ve mentioned that I sit by a window that overlooks our cafe. I wave at people passing by way too often. Today, I waved at Vanessa, one of our project accountants. She came running into our office. It turns out that she was having issues with Outlook and needed to get into her email to… Continue reading Travel Agent


Reggie and I went to see Beth, Paul, and the boys tonight for dinner. It was simply incredible. Fillet Mignon and roasted sweet potatoes. What more could you want? Now I’m tired and need to get to bed.

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Keeping up with the Joneses

Somebody just bought a new car. I think she’s trying to keep up with the Joneses and their new ride. At least its a Honda. This is the same woman who agonized for over a month about what computer to buy, yet she turns around and buys a car on a whim. I just don’t… Continue reading Keeping up with the Joneses

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Murphy’s Second Birthday

This isn’t the first time we’ve had a pug birthday party just to have an excuse for the adults to get together. Sam and Murphy came up from Connecticut. Beth made a fabulous lunch and then we took the boys to the beach. This was the first time Murphy had been to the beach. Reggie… Continue reading Murphy’s Second Birthday

Murphy Kisses

I got kisses from Murphy, one of my favorite pugs.

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Cute cards

Murphy sent me a thank you card because I had sent him some chicken treats when I sent his mom my iPod. I think his mom probably helped him write it. But what was so cute is that the card itself had his picture on the front. It’s absolutely darling. I think Reggie needs some… Continue reading Cute cards

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It gets better…

I mentioned that I was going to be going to go to NYC on May 19. My friend Steve from New Zealand London is going to be there, too.  I need to find a place to crash overnight.