Light at the end of the tunnel

For the past three weeks, I’ve been dealing with an MS relapse. This has sucked. But I think it’s just about over. Most of my serious symptoms have passed, and I’m just now dealing with the side effects of being on heavy steroids. My emotions have balanced out, the acne is still raging, and I now have a new 20 pounds to lose. Actually, I only gained about five pounds, but it looks like I’m carrying it all in my face. That can be lost quickly.

Honestly, the worst part of this has been emotional. Now I know that being on steroids can mess with your emotions, but at one point I was convinced this was the end. I’ve always said that we caught my MS early and that my rate of progression has been slow. What I don’t tell most people is that I recognize my rate of progression can kick into high gear at any time. Obviously, my preference is that this not happen. But it could.

I still need to take it easy for a little while, but I think the worst part is over.