Kitchen Toys… in Red

Is it weird or strange to cry over the death of someone you’ve never met? I mentioned on Reggie’s blog that Jayson Kilroy was killed by a driver under the influence. Worse yet, Jayson was on a bicycle. This really hit me in a weird way. He was fun to chat with online, yet I never met the guy. Reading the story about his death had me very angry because the woman who hit him shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. Maybe it just brings me a little closer with my own mortality when someone I know, even in the virtual sense, dies.

My MS has been kicking my ass again lately. It’s the heat. I go through this every summer. I’m chronically fatigued, and it sucks. On top of that, I’m having a few sensory issues, mostly in my fingers. Those will pass eventually.  Just to make matters more fun, I’ve had a cold the past week. Wednesday, I took a sick day, thinking it was my MS. That was the day I started coughing. I haven’t stopped since. Hopefully it will pass soon enough.

Back in May, I bought a cast iron dutch oven from the Martha Stewart collection at Macy’s. I’ve used it exactly once. When I bought it, I didn’t realize that it wasn’t porcelain glazed on the inside, which is what I really wanted. This thing certainly won’t go to waste. It’s perfect to be used over a campfire, so it will probably land in my parents’ camper before too long. It might go with me next weekend, too. Anyway, yesterday, I was at Macy’s, and they had the one I should have bought originally, and it was marked down to $59.99. On top of that, the guy gave me the 15% off coupon that was in the paper, meaning I got the thing half off. Oh, and it’s red because I like red things in my kitchen.


Reggie is having a rough time right now. He had a cut/bite on his jowls from the puppy upstairs. At least that’s what we think happened. He’s moping around the house, wearing a cone to prevent him from scratching at the wound anymore. You can read the whole thing on his blog.

Next weekend is the annual BBQ/camping trip I’ve taken part of for the past six years. This will be the third year it’s being held in the forest. The first year it was in the forest, I spent one night sleeping in a tent. Reggie nor I did very well. Last year, I just drove out for one day. This year, I think I’m camping. I need to find a place to set up a tent, though. Reggie is going to be staying with his cousins. I took Friday as a vacation day and will be leaving about noon. At least that’s my plan right now. Who knows what will happen in the next five days.