Wiped Out

My parents have come and gone, and I miss having them here.


My dad drove to the airport and then I obviously drove home. I have to say that the return trip pretty much wiped me out and I’ve spent most of the evening on the couch, napping most of the time. I’m still in quite a bit of pain, but that’s to be expected.

As my mom was packing up to go, she said she wished she could have done more to help me out. I looked at my dad and we both laughed. My kitchen sparkles and the pantry has been completely organized. There isn’t a piece of dirty laundry in the house, and she even washed the sheets on the guest bed before remaking it. The only thing left to do was to unload the dishwasher because it was still running when we left for the airport. She did a ton, and I totally appreciate it.


So now the Roomba is running in the living room, and Reggie and I are calling it a night.