
Well, the weekend is almost over, and I made five trips to Home Depot and a trip to the Kane’s Flower World in the course of 48 hours, easily spending $300.

First, these little guys are popping up in my back yard, and I have no idea what they are, but they’re pretty. I have no idea how well they’ll hold up because they look a bit delicate.


The thing I spent a good chunk of time on are the flower boxes that are attached to the deck. That alone accounted for two trips to Home Depot and a trip to the garden center. The first flower boxes weren’t wide enough and the second ones were too high.  One box has petunias, one has parsley and rosemary, and the last one has a combination of petunias and panseys. The photos didn’t come out all that well because the water had them a bit drenched. But they’ll perk up in a day or two.