Business Class

My last post got me thinking. Some people probably wonder why I don’t just suck it up and fly coach. It’s a lot less expensive. And it is. I’m not just an aviation geek. Sure, my inner aviation geek gets a boner when I see a 747 taking off over my house. But my inner… Continue reading Business Class

Back to Europe?

I’m kicking around the idea of going back to Europe in the spring. I really hate the idea of flying across the Atlantic in coach. When I had a bazillion frequent flyer miles to burn, I got spoiled by upgrading. Once you fly business class across an ocean, you’ll never want to sit in the… Continue reading Back to Europe?

Categorized as Travel

Pumpkin Ice Cream

I had fun making the pumpkin creme bruelee. I had quite a bit of uncooked custard left, so I threw it in the fridge the idea of making ice cream out of it later. When you think about it, they’re both pretty much the same thing, just prepared differently. The ice cream came out really… Continue reading Pumpkin Ice Cream

Pumpkin Creme Brulee

Tonight, I tried the Pumpkin Creme Brulee recipe. It’s pretty awesome. What I did learn is that pure cane sugar isn’t what you want on top. White sugar burns much better. But the actual custard is awesome. Tomorrow, Reggie has an appointment for a bath at PetSmart, and he certainly needs a bath. He got… Continue reading Pumpkin Creme Brulee

Woot Off is doing another Woot Off today. I just missed out on a

Another Airline Merger

The rumors are flying around that Delta and United are talking about merging. I agree that consolidation in this industry would be a good thing. However, I think the smaller guys should be merged into the bigger guys. Having two power house airlines merging scares me a bit, and frankly, the pilots unions will have… Continue reading Another Airline Merger

Categorized as Aviation

Project Runway

I’m halfway through watching the first season of Project Runway season four. I think Kevin is hot, but my money is on Rami.

Snow Globe

DSCN0812 Originally uploaded by mikehillwig My niece is eight. And she collects snow globes. If you point to any snow globe in her collection, she can tell you who got it for her and where it came from. Being the amazingly cool uncle Mike, I got her this snow globe in New York a few… Continue reading Snow Globe

Vacation Time

I looked at my pay stub today and was shocked to see that I have 46 vacation hours remaining. I had no idea how many personal hours I had remaining because those don’t print on our pay stubs. After taking a walk down to payroll, I realized that I had close to 80 hours to… Continue reading Vacation Time

Martini Glasses

I think I’m getting something like these for my dad. They’re traditional martini glasses. If I were buying them for myself, I’d probably get these. They’re incredibly cool.  However, I’m not a martini person.