
Our IT department went F1 racing tonight. There are some things gay men were not meant to do. This is one of them. It was fun, slightly. I did two races. Hey, I’ll try anything twice. But then I was done. In fact, I got blue flagged, meaning “hurry the fuck up, grandma.” Worse yet, I got blue flagged twice. Some of my coworkers really got into it. Good for them. Me…. not so much.

The best part was after the racing, much food and drink was consumed. THAT was enjoyable. One of my coworkers asked what the connection between gay men and pugs was. It was a good conversation starter for sure.

On another note, one of my online communities is going through a bit of an upheaval. It’s a long story, and the fact is that nobody really has all of the facts except the two or three people directly involved. Everybody else is jumping to conclusions and taking sides in stuff they don’t understand. Sure, we can all speculate and guess at what’s happening, but the fact is that we don’t really know what happened. We’ll probably never know the whole story. Nor should we. Or should we?

It does bring up an interesting point. When you put everything out there on your blog/profile/site, are you giving up your right to privacy? When you post every detail of your life and start to have people read this every day, do you really expect people to mind their own business? They’re minding your business because you’re giving them the opportunity, right?

Tonight, I waved to my neighbor and her dog, welcoming them back. Now, I know that my neighbor has just come back from a trip to Germany because I read it on her blog. She never told me she was leaving. Am I stepping over a line by commenting on something just because I read it on her blog? Probably not. But it’s a fine, fine line. And it’s one of those social rules that just hasn’t been written yet.