
When I was at Whole Foods yesterday, I bought a three inch piece of beef brisket. I really had no idea what I’d do with it, but the tattooed guy at the meat counter was hot, and I had to buy at least a few things from him.

My friend Liz gave me a great recipe that she had, and I’m certainly going to give that a try when I have a bigger piece of brisket. Today, I wanted to experiment.

First, I seasoned the hell out of this thing, leaving the fat right on the brisket. Then I seared all four sides, creating one hell of a stink in my apartment. I’m really surprised that the smoke detector didn’t go off. The brisket went into a baking dish. Without thinking, I ran some water into the skillet I was using to sear the meat. It started steaming and smoking. I should have used wine to deglaze the pan, but that’s okay. Instead, I let the water reduce down with all of the drippings and poured it into the baking dish with a little bit of beef broth. This all got covered with foil and is now sitting in a 275 degree oven. It will remain there until supper time.