Pepperoni Stuff

Every family has that one recipe that everyone makes. When you’re having a get-together, it’s usually specified who’s bringing that dish.  In my dad’s family, it’s the pepperoni stuff.  And yes, we really call it that.  My Aunt Dixie came across this recipe years ago, and it’s a staple at any family function. It’s worth sharing.

Aunt Dixie’s Pepperoni Dip

1 can cream of celery soup
1 package of cream cheese
1 package of pre-sliced pepperoni (thick sliced if possible)

Combine in a snack-size crock pot or slow cooker. Serve with crackers.

That’s the condensed version. There is a whole philosophical debate about the pepperoni. I like the pre-sliced because it’s easy. My Aunt Dixie swears that she would rather buy a stick of pepperoni and slice it herself because the pre-sliced stuff is too thin. There is always the route of getting it at the deli and having them slice it thick. Whatever, just get good pepperoni.

The other thing is the crackers. Try to find a lower salt cracker. Between the pepperoni and the soup, this has a good amount of salt in it already. Heavily salted crackers would be a bit too much.