Roasted Tomato Soup

  Originally uploaded by mikehillwig.

Today was Sunday, and I didn’t want to cook up a ton of food since I’m leaving very early Thursday morning. It was a good day to make soup.

I opened a few cans of tomatoes and chopped up some fresh roma tomatoes. Then I chopped up an onion and a few cloves of garlic. It all got tossed in olive oil, salt, and pepper. These got roasted for about 45 minutes at 400 degrees. After it came out of the oven, it went into a big sauce pan where I hit it with the immersion blender. Then I slowly stirred in about three cups of homemade chicken broth. Finally, I added two small packages of fresh basil and let this simmer for an hour or so.

This made for some good soup. The only thing I might have done differently is to have hit it again with the blender to hit the basil since I have a bunch of whole basil leaves wilted throughout the soup.