Leaving Home

I’m at my parents’ house with Reggie, and we’ll be heading out shortly. We need to stop at my mom’s flower shop before heading to the airport. I’ll be doing a conference call in the car. Right now, I just need to get Reggie to poop before we leave. In typical Reggie fashion, he’s being stubborn about this.

This has been a good trip, and there are some stories to be shared. Pictures here. My sister and I were trying to figure out when our family became dysfunctional. The immediate family is fine, it’s the extended family that’s all messed up. Here are some tags for a future entry: reposession, obesity, and broccoli.

Last night, I went up to visit my Aunt Velma and Uncle Bob. Aunt Velma has been fighting MS for over 20 years and continues to be a source of encouragement for me. She got sick while I was enroute to Phoenix (via Seattle) and I needed to drop in on her while I was home. That was a good visit.

My maternal grandmother, on the other hand, is losing her marbles. Granted, the woman is 80 years old. She handed me a chocolate cross and said “Here, I got you a chocolate rabit.”  Physically, she’s in pretty good shape. Mentally… not so much.

For yesterday’s easter lunch (celebrated a week early), I made the mashed potatoes. They were pretty good because I salted the hell out of the water. It’s the only way to avoid getting flavorless mashed potatoes. Because there was so much chaos in my mom’s kitchen, I didn’t want to break out the Kitchenaid mixer. Somehow, it managed to stay in it’s little corner all morning. Instead, I broke out my mom’s little Black and Decker Gizmo. It’s a little thing, great for small jobs. A big bowl of mashed potatoes was too much for this thing. My sister told me they were lumpy. To that, I quipped that they weren’t lumpy, just rustic. Her boyfriend (the foodie) got a kick out of that.

Anyway, I need to see if Reggie will go out one more time before we head out.