Getting Closer

I talked to my boss this morning and now I’m taking Wednesday off as well. That means I’ll be burning 64 vacation hours.

Tomorrow night, I’m meeting up with Beth and Paul to drop off Reggie. Oh, I’m going to miss the little shit. He’s been so good lately. Tonight, though, he’s not too happy with me because he wanted more kibble and I put the bowl up.

Wednesday, I have about a bazillion errands to run before I leave. It’s good that I took the day off. The biggest thing I need to work out yet is my food to take on the plane Thursday morning.

Thursday, I need to be up around 4:00 AM, catch my cab at 4:30, and be checked in and ready for a 6:00 departure.  I must get some sleep on the flight or I’ll be a mess when I get there. When I get to San Francisco, my shuttle is all set to pick me up at the airport and take me to my hotel. Then I’m catching up with another Pug Villager for drinks and perhaps dinner.

Friday, I’ll be running around San Francisco. One of my must-do things is to visit my favorite adult toy stores for gay men.  Friday night, I’m having dinner with Allan.

Saturday, I’m having brunch with Allan at Foreign Cinema and then seeing John Saturday afternoon/evening.

Sunday, I have a shuttle picking me up at the hotel at 5:30 which should get me to the airport by 6:00 for an 8:00 flight. Since I have a completely unrestricted ticket, I could take a later flight if necessary.

So far, I have zero plans for Portland. That will change, I’m sure. From what I understand, there is a mass transit line that runs from the airport right to my hotel.  I’ll have to figure that one out.

The best part of this is that my hotels and shuttle are already paid for. The only things I need to worry about are my food and play. I’ll also need to pay for getting to/from the airport in Portland and Boston. Those are cheap. This vacation won’t put me into debt.

Categorized as Travel