Even the best fall down sometimes…

Did you ever hear a song that just won’t get out of your head? Howie Day’s “Collide” was on the radio earlier, and the phrase “Even the best fall down sometimes…”  It really has no relevance right now, but it’s still a good song.

I shot my boss an e-mail and told him about my adventures getting here and how much it cost us. My boss is a pretty reasonable guy and I’m sure he’ll understand that weather happens. If not, he’ll be pretty clear about telling me that he’s not happy. Seriously, though, I think he’s going to understand.

On my flight from Seattle to Phoenix today, I was sitting next to a guy who was a retired engineer from Boeing. We talked almost the entire flight about planes. He had been at Boeing for 40 years before retiring. He worked on the B47, 727, 737, 747, and 757/767 programs. He was telling me how the 737 was almost cancelled because the 737-100 just wasn’t selling very well. He said how he used to work for Gordon Bethune at Boeing, who later went on to be the CEO of Continental. I read Bethune’s book several years ago. I have to say, having someone pleasant to talk to with similar interests was a great way to pass a three hour flight.

My rental car on this trip is a white Saturn Ion. It’s not a bad little car.

Last time I was here, Ian took me to a place called Ibiza. It’s closed now.

Categorized as Travel