
I woke up this morning at 7:00. I took a shower and then fell back asleep. Something woke me up shortly before noon. Yeah, that was a nice nap. I woke up one hungry camper.

One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday morning is to make breakfast. Better yet, I like to eat breakfast.

All good breakfasts start with good coffee. I had a cup of Green Mountain’s Autumn Harvest. My supply of that is running low.  To the coffee, I added some light cream and some simple syrup.

Then came the bacon. I had some maple smoked bacon in the fridge that went into my new Calphalon grill pan. It cooked up beautifully.

Finally, I made some pancakes. “Made” may not be the best term here.  I had a mix from Trader Joes. It was a whole wheat pancake mix, and it was pretty good. Heavy, but good. Well, the fact that I used light cream instead of milk probably didn’t help.

Finally came the mimmosas.  Those were made with OJ and Cava. Cava is a Spanish sparkling wine. They were tasty.

I’m not sure what’s on my plate for today. Mike is back from his trip. There is some shopping to be done. My place needs some serious cleaning.