
I’m going to burn some karma points here…

When we were younger, my sister had this teddy bear named Edgar. Edgar was small and plush. My sister was quite fond of him. Being the evil big brother I was am, if I wanted to make my sister cry, all I had to do was give Edgar to Domino, our dalmatian. She’d rough him up a bit, and my sister would get upset and cry. Every time. It never failed. My sister kept that stupid bear hidden from me for years.

Fast forward fifteen years or so. My sister has a daughter and I have Reggie. We were at my sister’s house over Thanksgiving. I heard Sarah yell and start to cry. Reggie had run into Sarah’s bedroom, jumped up on the bed and grabbed Edgar, who is now one of Sarah’s favorite stuffed animals. I swear, I had absolutely nothing to do with that. I helped Sarah rescue that stupid bear from Reggie’s clutches.

You know something? It’s still funny to see a dog attack that stupid bear.