Conference Calls

I’m in training the first part of this week. This is Microsoft’s 2780A, Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database. I’m here in Boston and the instructor is in Philadelphia along with two other students. We have a student in Providence, one in Baton Rouge, and two in Salt Lake City. The two in SLC were in my last class, two. They work for the LDS church. (The Church of Latter Day Saints, the Morons… err… Mormons.)

The remote instruction technology is kind of cool. They’re using Citrix’ to view the instructor’s screen and Mimio’s whiteboard software to display what’s on his whiteboard. For the labs and practices, I’m using using to connect to a PC in Phildelphia that has all of software we need to practice. The voice stuff is handled by the GotoMeeting conference call center.

Last time, I was in Philadelphia with the instructor, although it was a different instructor. Since I’m the only person in this physical classroom, I’m going to have a little bit of downtime.

Basically, for the next three days, I’ll be on an eight-hour conference call.